Vibrations ziehgeräte FR 402

Finaros offer a special range of vibratory pile extractors that include both clamp
and vibrator in one form, which enables you to extract bigger
piles with a smaller crane capacity.

When the gear drive is excluded we have the possibility to join the vibratory
driving machine and clamp into one body.

How does this work?

The clamp consists of two separate parts move by one hydraulic cylinder around a central axis.

The shape of the clamp enables you to put your pile directly into the center
of the extracting force from the vibratory extractor.

The force of the hydraulic cylinder is 50 tons.

This force is transferred to the pile, producing clamping force.

When you start extracting a pile from the ground you are forced to use
extracting force from your crane to the vibrator of the pile extractor and
because of the simple lever system, all the pulling power from your crane will
transfer to the clamp, increasing the clamping force.


A further advantage is by minimizing the weight of our extractor you don't lose
power capacity from your crane when holding the vibratory extractor.

Also our highly effective damper enables you to extract piles with minimum
capacity crane causing little to no damage to your equipment.

All of this is made possible through our unique design

Continues to offer you the best solution for your task.

Highly competitive prices and unique equipment save you time and money.

Finaros: it's as easy as using a hammer only at half the price.

Data Name Value
Dynamic Weight (including clamping device), kg 1190
Rates Eccentric Speed, RPM 3000
Rated Frequency, Hz 50
Eccentric Moment, kN.m 77.1
Centrifugal Force, kN (t) 551.8 (50.9)
Amplitude Maximum, mm 9.75
Rated Fluid Flow, LPM 120
Fluid Work Pressure, bar 250
Hydraulic Fluid, recommended types mineral oils HL, HLP, HVLP ISO 32
Hydraulic Fluid Temperature Range, °C -20...+60
Clamp Force, kN (ton) 700 (68,8)
Puling Force Maximum (to pulling element), kN (t) 200 (19,6)
Piling Element Weight Maximum, kg 2500
Transport Overall Dimensions (protection incl.) LWH, cm 1600x900x2500
Total Weight of Pile Driver (protection shell incl.), kg 1250

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Vibrations ziehgeräte FR 402
