Innovative solutions now exist - Let's Protect Our Environment and Go Green

Healthier and Quieter Solution for Construction

ECO Friendly Construction

We are working on saving our planet by producing ECO solution for construction.

Diesel exhaust causes pollution and we are working on making construction more eco friendly and safe. Almost every construction site starts with providing of electric supply. We have developed hydraulic power-packs with electric engine for driving of vibro hammers. They can be powered by electricity mains or genset. They are silent, which is great advantage, as noise reduction is indeed becoming the real challenge for today's industrial market

ADVANTAGES of Hydraulic Power Packs with Electric Engine

  • NO Exhaust Fumes
  • NO Noise Emission - It is Silent
  • Durable, Reliable and Has Long Operative Life
  • Requires Less Servicing
  • At Great Low Prices
Hydraulic Power Packs with Electric Engine

If you have questions on our Eco Solution, feel free to contact us.
